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05 Dec 2024 18:00
Location: The Box


Founded by Francis Augusto, The Mandem is a community mainly built on WhatsApp, here to support, celebrate and connect with anyone who identifies as a man.

It is a community that is grounded in kindness, food and learning (or unlearning). We meet periodically and have an open WhatsApp group that is there to help through hard times, celebrate the good times or just be there to meet when we may feel alone. 


The Mandem isn’t the solution and doesn’t try to be. We are a space where we can have conversations about being a man, masculinity and our mental health.

These in-person gatherings encourage men in the group to unpack and converse about their mental health, fears and experiences. It’s our hope that these conversations can inspire more thoughts towards therapy, loneliness and masculinity.

This community encourages a sense of belonging within our individual journeys.

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